Third Ham

Lancaster Based Audio and Design Solutions

Analog-to-Digital Audio Conversion

If you have an obscure record or tape, have a collection you want on your computer or you just misplaced your download code Third Ham is able to provide quality analog-to-digital conversion.


Simple: Your music is converted into the computer and bounced onto 1 track per side and is either sent via Google Drive or placed on a disc.

Price: 15 per album

Premium: Once the music transferred the computer I go through and remove any pops and correct any EQ or volume issues. The sides will be split up into their respective tracks, The correct metadata will be endowed and you will receive two version of the album: one lossless version (.wav or flac upon request) and one mp3 version. These can be delivered via Google Drive or on two discs.

Price: 25 per album


All prices are on a negotiable. For a quote please email me at or via the contact tab at the top.